Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bad Buddhist

I have been working double evening shifts, working a few days in a row and then getting a few days off in a row. Needless to say, I am tired. And I miss mulberrry.

The place I work is in transition. There is a lot of potential for being a great company but they are stuck in old patterns and bad habits. In fact, the place almost closed down last year. Since my best buddy, Shenandoah, also works there it was a fun fun time for all contemplating our jobless selves. I signed on in the middle management position I have now a little over a year ago because I thought I could be a part of something positive and because I knew the health insurance would cover a large portion of my and mulberry's fertility costs. There are snags to coverage payment and how it impacts my taxes because we don't have the legal perks of marriage, but I am grateful that we have some domestic partnership benefits.
Did I mention I oh so miss my domestic partner?

The drama gets so thick sometimes (my department has over 300 people) there are moments I am unsure whether I can make any significant contribution. Those are the days I remind myself that we couldn't afford the IUI's, coming IVFs, or any other acronyms without this company's health benefits. Although I'm a Buddhist and really should be chanting for peace more, some days it's my mantra. I read with empathy and disgust the blogs where women report what insurance won't cover -- husband's necessary surgery, surrogate embryo implantation. On to do list -- Do my legislators support insurance for all and fertility coverage included? Find out.

Being private person, it is a challenge for me to work at
what feels like Peyton Place because they don't really understand confidentiality. I see it with how the employees we manage are treated and throughout the corporation. Many have been there a long time and gossip and strange liaisons are an unfortunate mainstay. I have no idea how many complications may be associated with mulberry's and my new endeavor or how it will affect me professionally.

When I first started,
a human resources person was going over papers with me and when she came to the domestic partnership stuff she said apologetically "oh uh yeah I have to show you this but anyway...." and she moved on to the next thing. She paused (and almost audibly gasped) when I submitted my family additions to my health form.

I've been
out since I was a teenager and being an artist and having worked mainly in the quasi non-profit world for most of my life, this is the first completely corporate job I've had where I am not out. Here is the line where my political views and my embedded personal views on privacy walk a tight rope in myself. I cultivate my relationships and hold what people say to me about themselves to be precious. My training and field of study in college actually have people always telling me personal private matters. In fact people have always chosen me to keep their confidences or to record their story.

My cousin confirmed last week that her adoption proceedings have gone through. I, silly me, said, "wow congratulations -- this has been so hard for you. Who have you been able to really talk to about this? Have you ever tried a blog community? She was horrified. She incredulously said, "of course not. I'm too private. Too much possible fallout." Of course this was her response. This is
my cousin from my family. We don't show ourselves unless it is absolutely necessary or in the service of someone else.

This whole ramble came up for me because another manager (who has ties to leadership) and I are potentially becoming friends. She has been going through a tough time and found out yesterday she has a scheduling conflict during the same week that mulberry and I plan to be "on vacation" in the thick of fertility land beginning stimulation treatment. I didn't feel comfortable telling her my reason so I started to cry and only revealed that it was not going to be a vacation for me. I told her I only asked for it that way because I don't want to take any kind of medical time off for fear of other staff members being privy to my issues. I see this is going to be a theme for me. I'm not exactly trying to have a baby the old fashioned way. More to work on. More to work on.


mulberry said...

great post my sweet... hugs and wish i could chase away the tears and fears. glad that you have embraced a place to 'show' yourself even tho cuzy couldn't imagine it.

xxoo mulberry

Heidi said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I understand the pull between feeling private, yet wanting community. I am terribly shy in the real world, but knowing that I am not alone on the internet makes me feel a little more cozy.

I'm your cliker for the Lost and Found. If you ever need anything, please let me know. Know that I am always reading ya!!